Way more sales, without “Sales

The Art of New Business

An online class for experienced creative freelancers and consultants looking to make dramatic gains in revenue without losing their personality.

Live and on-demand options

Solidly booked for years, Kim Mackenzie is one of the top earners in the industry, increasing her revenue by an average of 68% every year for the past four years, just from freelancing and consulting.

The good news for you?

She’s going to show you how she does it, with repeatable, non-icky methods to drive up your sales without becoming someone your mother wouldn’t recognize.

Live class format

  • Live + interactive, with about 25% of the time set aside for Q+A.

  • Small cohort (capped at 15 participants). Each class is tailored to participant’s advance questions.

  • Highly efficient design, with two hours of dense but easily actionable content.

Topics covered

  • Pt. 1 / Approach + Definition: Kim’s personal twist on developing new business, and how embracing this approach can become your career’s tipping point.

  • Pt. 2 / Tactics to Get Leads: How to drum up work and be the type of awesome collaborator people want to bring onto projects.

  • Pt. 3 / Development: How to bring stellar projects your way, now that you have an ecosystem of brilliantly fun collaborators and partners.

  • Pt. 4 / Pitch: What to do once you’re in the proposal stage, including how to approach sharing your proposal, what to include, and how to navigate pricing.

  • Pt. 5 / Finalize: Get that bread! Learn how to successfully negotiate, hire a lawyer, and get everything signed off when a client is dragging their feet.

  • Ask Me Anything: Kim answers questions in a round table coaching session. [25 min.]

98+% of participants say Kim’s class had a positive impact on their business development efforts.

↑ More than half increased their rate.

+ More than half landed new work.

*Yup, we’ve got the stats to prove it.





Live, virtual

Tailored to your questions

Small cohort (max. 15 people)

Live Q&A

✘ No recording

Need at least one solid year of experience freelance or consulting

The session was 100% tailored to our questions.  I have never seen something where the participant's challenges were so directly addressed and answered so specifically.” -Trent




✔ On-demand playback

✔ New business insights

✘ No cohort

✘ No Q&A

✔ Lifetime access to replay

✔ Should have at least 5+ years experience freelancing or consulting

“Talk about a tight 2 hours filled to the brim with useful and practical information…I watched it several times in order to catch all of the great knowledge you imparted in each section.” - Laura

Your instructor,

Kim Mackenzie

  • For fifteen years, Kim has been partnering with world-renowned clients and agencies on brand and copywriting.

    She has taken on CSO, Head of Strategy, and Head of Copy roles to lead strategy and verbal teams, while selling in millions in new business.

    Kim founded the Ladies Who Strategize community, with 2.3k+ members from all over the globe. Business Insider named LWS one of the most coveted VIP private networking groups for marketers.

    She regularly speaks about strategy, community, and creativity.

Feedback from recent participants

“I've since negotiated a gig that netted me literally thousands more than I would have asked for before your course."

✹ “I've since negotiated a gig that netted me literally thousands more than I would have asked for before your course."

"The price and value matched, and I got a lot out of this!"

"Unbelievably insightful and practical. Highly recommend!"

✹ "The price and value matched, and I got a lot out of this!" ✹ "Unbelievably insightful and practical. Highly recommend!"

"Loved the structure and pacing."

"I truly loved it - exactly what I needed to hear/learn!!"

✹ "Loved the structure and pacing." ✹ "I truly loved it - exactly what I needed to hear/learn!!"

"I came away with actionable things right away!""

"Incredibly relevant and current industry nuances."

✹ "I came away with actionable things right away!"" ✹ "Incredibly relevant and current industry nuances."


  • The live workshop is suitable for copywriters, creative directors, art directors, designers, strategists, project managers, account freelancers, agency owners, agency growth directors, and creative consultants with 1+ years industry freelance experience.

    The on-demand class is only appropriate for people with 5+ years experience.

    Use our ROI calculator to consider how the math pencils out.

    These are not a good fit for someone just starting out in freelancing.

  • You’ll get clear steps, skills, and tactics needed to bring in better contracts, negotiate for better fees, and build a thriving business. If you buy a live class, it will be tailored to questions submitted in advance and there will be time for a Q&A session. If you buy a pre-recorded class, you’ll have lifetime access to the recording.

  • On-demand: instant access to the two-hour on-demand video, with as many replays as you want.
    Live: Tailored to your questons, with a live Q&A. No recording.

  • The live class is two hours total, including a live 25-minute Q&A. It’s jam-packed, so warm up your note-taking hand. The on-demand class is also two hours (but, naturally, has no live Q&A).

  • A maximum of 15. We keep it small so Kim can get to as many of your questions as possible.

  • If your average contract size is a modest $5K, and you gain even one additional contract in the next few months using what you learned, that’s 1,000%+ ROI. Not too shabby. Participants also report increased contract values and workload efficiencies through a better understanding of where to spend their time.

    Play with our ROI calculator to explore the math.

  • We offer a substantial discount to people who want to experience the live class after buying the on-demand class. We set aside a limited number of discounted seats for live classes, so please contact us in advance. Please note that we do not combine discounts.

  • Past participants have claimed the class cost as an Education expense. You’ll get a sales receipt, suitable for taking to your tax preparer.

  • Here’s a pre-drafted letter you can use. You’ll get a sales receipt to submit to your employer for reimbursement once you pay for the class.

More love from class participants


“Shortly after, I found myself applying the soft and hard skills of outreach, negotiating, and courtship that landed me on the largest short-term contract in my freelance career. I am grateful for the whole body of wisdom Kim provides in a digestible way. Single-handedly, it is the best investment I've made in my career!" 


“Thank you Kim for imparting years of valuable lessons and mistakes in a tight and essential two-hour course. " 


“I really appreciated the hyper-personalization of the live workshop that Kim delivered through letting pre-sourced participant questions guide her content. It made the training feel up-to-date." 


“Two days after I took Kim's course, a beloved agency contact reached out over text with a potential project. Kim's course had inspired me to rethink my rates and how I pitch my value. Armed with that new confidence, I was able to quickly reply with a higher rate but also higher value. Our negotiation was virtually painless compared to before I took Kim's course." 


“Kim's class is everything she is - insightful, straightforward, helpful, and smart. The Art of New Business is a fantastic, thoughtful look at what it takes to win as an independent operator or solopreneur. Money and time well spent!“


“The (live workshop) did a lot for me. It gave me confidence in asking for what is deserved. It gave me new insight into new business approaches. And most surprisingly, it gave me a new set of contacts/friends to work with.“


“From the first few minutes, I was immediately sold that Kim knew what she was talking about.  From her reframing of sales and pitching to the nuances of covering yourself legally when working with clients, Kim's years of experience in project-based work will save me time, money, and headaches. This makes the course an investment that will continuously pay back dividends for years to come. " 


“Kim does a great job of covering the bases and also making sure everyone's queries are answered. Highly recommend the live workshop!“


“Loved the very short intros at the beginning of the live workshop and how you shared everyone's names/websites beforehand. It saved time and kept us on topic. I'm in meetings all the time that start with long introductions that eat up the first 15-20 minutes and are ultimately not useful at all, so I really appreciated this!" 


“Kim's The Art of New Business class was a lifeline. As a professional creative, business development hasn't exactly been my forté but as a friend, forming meaningful relationships has. Kim helped me to understand that they're one in the same and how to capitalize on my strengths to build my consultancy. “